INAC Global Executive Search is Top 40 Global Talent Advisors

INAC Global Executive Search has once more been distinguished by Hunt Scanlon, making its exclusive Global 40 List of international recruiting providers.

“This recognition is undoubtedly very meaningful for our network. It reflects the culmination of our hard work, commitment, innovation and entrepreneurship. This last year has shown us all how strong our network is and how together we are able to thrive and power through. Our partners reached out to each other, supported each other and therefore were able to help our international clients to succeed, despite a volatile and extremely challenging market.
Maintaining the high standards for which our organization is recognised, as well as the seamless dedication to our business partners and clients around the world, are some of the traits that makes us distinctive in this industry.
This recognition goes out to all of partners, colleagues, clients and candidates.” – says Rui Borges, President of INAC Global Executive Search.

Hunt Scanlon is one of the main international directories dedicated to Executive Search. Each year it analyses the market and its key players, distinguishing those that dominate the recruiting business market worldwide.

For more information click here.
To download the ranking table, click here.

2022 | Journey with us

INAC Global stands for commitment, for support, for opportunities.

We celebrated victories and conquests.
We stood by our members and partners in times of need and hardship.
We came out the other side stronger than ever, together.
We shortened distances.
We united.

INAC Global Executive Search walks side by side.

Journey with us in 2022!

On the Spotlight Series #10 – Esteban Calvente

Number 10 is out and about! This edition we have Esteban Calvente as our guest.
Esteban is the partner of INAC Argentina and, with 35 years of experience in Executive Search, there is no doubt that he is considered a reference in the market and a beloved colleague.
Esteban Calvente holds a degree in “International Trade” from the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa and a post-graduate degree in “Human Resources Management” from the Universidad Austral’s IAE Business School.
Esteban’s previous professional experience includes Sud Petrol Argentina and the Ministry of the Economy’s National Trade Promotion Agency.

Since you started your career, what has been the most significant changes that you have witnessed in Executive Search?

After 35 years in the Executive Search sector, the changes are inevitably noticeable. Just try to imagine receiving a CV by mail, I mean the old mail! Letters had to be opened and classified in physical folders. Currently, we can have and access all the information on a cell phone and work from anywhere in the world.

How do you see Executive Search in 5 years’ time?

I imagine that we will face a lot more changes, more digital technology, more artificial intelligence and more blockchain. But I am also sure that having the ability, that we developed over all these years, in understanding and distinguishing those who are the best candidates for each company, is something that will never change. Let’s not forget that, at the end of the day, we are people who choose people and there is no artificial intelligence that could ever replace this profession.

What do you believe are the non-negotiable skills that candidates most absolutely have nowadays?

Leadership, flexibility, result-oriented, teamwork and, honesty. Adaptability to technological and digital changes are also key assets.

There is no surprise to those who know you, that you are a very positive and joyful person. Always ready for a good laugh and, with a natural talent for musical comedy! How did you came across it?

In 2010, I was invited to the theatre to see “Rock of Ages” and there I met the director of the play. He invited me to join the following year.
I must clarify that this hobby of mine, of musical comedy, wasn’t initially featured on my “100 interests list”.
Sure is that since 2010, we prepare ourselves throughout 10 months of the year, in order to perform different “classics” that we end up interpreting to a full theatre every November, of every year. So far, we have performed: “Book of Mormon”, “Wedding Singer”, “Chicago”, “Shrek”, “Rent”, “Aladdin”, “Les Misérables”, and so on.
It’s my passion!

Executive Search is a great part of your life and, perhaps one could say, one of your passions. But, we heard that you also have another one, namely playing polo. How did it start and do have any plans for the future?

I played polo for many years. It started in my youth and went on up until my thirties. I love horses! I would love to breed and train horses during my retirement.

Would you like to share with us the most gratifying, memorable or special moment of your career?

In 1996, I was called by the Director of Human Resources of a well-known multinational company, to quote a CEO search. It was the very first time that I was assigned to do a General Manager search for such a large company and I knew that I was competing against one of the big four.
I never really understood why, but they gave me the assignment and we solved it together with the team successfully. The company remained one of my best clients for many years.

If you could, what would you say to the Esteban that started out this journey?

I would tell him to join INAC Global Executive Search 10 years earlier then when I did.

How has being part of INAC Global Executive Search impacted your professional path?

We can somehow relate this question with the previous one.
Argentina – my country and I love it – has two problems:

  1. We are geographically far from the rest of the world.
  2. The politicians who govern us.

INAC Global Executive Search gave us a global international profile. We have done many business exchanges. Being members of INAC Global Executive Search allowed us to be updated with the trends in our sector. I highlight the human quality of the partners and the teamwork.

INAC USA distinguished by Hunt Scanlon PE Recruiting Power 100

Each year, the international executive search directory recognizes the most renowned executive search firms serving the private equity market.

INAC USA was featured among the top 100 firms reassuring, once more, its outstanding expertise, unrivalled knowledge, high quality work and full commitment to clients and partners.

Congratulations to INAC USA and its amazing team!

For more information about the Hunt Scanlon PE Recruiting Power 100, click here.

How to attract and retain disruptive and digital profiles that help transform companies

Disruptive and digital talents are looking for companies where they can be themselves.

Nowadays, having disruptive, technological, and digital talent in companies is one of the best ways for organizations to move towards transformation and evolution. Companies are starting to realize the differential value that this entails. Nonetheless, they are faced with a series of obstacles. Evidently, attracting and retaining such particular profiles is not an easy task.

The incorporation of disruptive talent is becoming a pressing necessity, especially when faced with this new reality in which digital prevails. Under this premise, new creative, innovative, and risky solutions; different to everything that has been previously done are needed. Even though many organizations have been working towards this digital transformation, the sanitary crisis accelerated the process, turning it into an imminent change. However, a key aspect in this process, and which makes all the difference, are disruptive profiles (people who think and act differently).

What makes them unique?

There is no doubt that they have differentiating characteristics. They are fascinated by transformation and change, they are not afraid to explore different perspectives, they are always looking for new ways to find innovative solutions, and constant learning is part of their mindset.

Flexibility and freedom are both very valuable to them, which is why they avoid rigid cultures or more traditionalist companies. Additionally, as good leaders, they are agents of change since they possess the ability to promote change and evolution, including those of areas that could seem strange to them. However, not everything turns out to be perfect, the main issue is that they are difficult to find. There is an excess demand for digital profiles, which has become more and more acute with COVID-19 and, unfortunately, there is a very limited offer. In Mexico, this has favored directive positions in digital areas to be filled with international talent, leaders that come to our country as expatriates.

In relation to this, and based on our experience as talent acquisition leaders, here at INAC Mexico, it is possible to distinguish two scenarios within an organizational action. On one hand, there are companies that are convinced that the time has come for disruptive talent to be considered as the missing piece of the puzzle, necessary for the future global work environment, opting for a safe, mature, and fast transformation, searching for profiles outside their organizations. On the other hand, there are other companies that look for talent inhouse, practice that I consider has become more of a trial and error. Considering the speed in which things are changing, it inevitably shortens the time that companies have to act on it. Before, it was easier to develop the skills of local talent, in order to be at the same level of external talents. Now, there is a high demand for a formed and matured talent.

How to attract and retain this type of talent?

Disruptive and digital talents are looking for companies where they can be themselves; organizations that have a similar way of living to theirs: diverse, open and culturally attractive. Having this in mind, companies need to know that, in order to attract them, it is necessary to change. Things cannot remain the same, there are relevant aspects that need to change, such as culture. Being a traditional company and viewing the digital transformation as just one more project and not as the heart of the business, is likely to fail.

The first step to attract this type of talent is to be consistent and aware that the digital transformation goes beyond including qualified talent and state of the art technology. It is vital that change goes beyond an organizational speech and, most of all, that it is not motivated by a trend and that instead, it is viewed as an element to place the client in the center, as a driving factor.

Once disruptive profiles have been found and convinced, the next step, and from my point of view the most challenging one, is retention. Nowadays, this type of employee is extremely critical as to where to place their track when it comes to their professional career. There are certain business characteristics that are non-negotiables; most of them have to do with the new way to make business, that to connect with clients and consumers, is through digital. Having said this, and from my own experience by interviewing plenty of profiles, I will list a series of aspects that will help businesses retain these digital profiles.

  • Create a high impact, challenging project. This type of talent usually disengages quite easily, they lose interest when the challenge is not moving. They feel demotivated when a project is not perceived as being a strategic drive for the company.
  • Have an inclusive leadership. Make them feel they are heard, and their opinions are of great value. Being in contact with the CEO and the board of directors is key; they want to make sure that the company is embracing and supporting the evolution.
  • Let them be and do. Provide them the confidence of being able to make mistakes and allow their roles to be immersed in decision making processes; having an autonomous capacity is fundamental.
  • Promote diverse teams. Create skillful work cells; multidisciplinary teams will always enrich the organization.
  • Give them visibility and exposure. Allow them to give their opinions without restriction, encourage their interaction with other areas of the company, where the importance of this technological evolution is emphasized.

There are many aspects involved in the digital transformation process of organizations. However, it is important to highlight that to move towards evolution, one has to have in mind a basic principle: technology must be seen as a mean not as a goal or a strategy. Changing the mentality of managers and collaborators is one of the main challenges, as well as establishing new working methods to maximize benefits.

Finally, like it or not, the world has changed. In this regard, my recommendation is that we should not wait around for it to be something urgent: “we change or they change us” is latent. The only key to success is through disruptive profiles that can underpin this evolution and promote business acceleration.

By Ángeles Madrigal – INAC Mexico

On The Spotlight Series #9 – Victoria Baselga

September brings changes and fresh starts, but there are a few things that should remain as they are, and our beloved “On The Spotlight Series” is one of them.

Our 9th edition features a very special guest: Victoria Baselga.

Victoria or Vicky, as she is warmly called by our members, is the Partner of INAC Spain.

Victoria holds a Degree in French Philology and Simultaneous Translation from L’Université Catholique of Paris, as well as a Master’s degree in Human Resources from the Instituto de Directivos de Empresa of Madrid.

Victoria has an extensive and solid experience in Executive Search. Prior to joining Magallanes Consultores as a Partner Consultant, Victoria worked for over ten years for a leading Executive Search Company.
She has been, since 2002, the shareholder of Magallanes Consultores, and has successfully managed a team of professional consultants.

Since you started your career, what have been the most significant changes you’ve witnessed in Executive Search?

I started many years ago in a profession that was little known and difficult for many to comprehend. Cold calling candidates at their workplace through the filters of their secretaries to propose a professional change was not easy. Now looking back on my early years in the profession, I can see how much has evolved in this sector.
Today it is a profession that is well known, valued and accepted by all.
The technological tools available to us have evolved so much over the years and now enable our profession to establish a much closer relationship with the candidate and also the client. Technology has greatly streamlined our search processes and now allows us to access candidates that we might not have been able to reach previously. In addition, technology has provided us with a more global perspective.

How do you see Executive Search five years from now?

We seek to provide a highly personalized service tailored to each client, and this service will vary little in the future. Personal contact is paramount in our profession and is essential to really understand the needs of both the client and the candidate, both of whom have high expectations.
Technology has evolved, and will continue to do so over the next five years. There have been significant developments in the technological tools available to identify candidates. While these tools streamline the executive search processes, we want to maintain our focus on the personal service and quality we offer.

What do you think are the non-negotiable skills that candidates have today?

Without a doubt there is a need for flexibility and the ability to adapt to different situations and environments. While the ability to manage teams has always been paramount, these skills are more important than ever in managing remote work which is a special challenge. Commitment and a sense of responsibility remain essential skills.

You are a serious golfer. Given your dedication, participation and exposure to such a focused and demanding sport, do you think it has given you the tools, mindset and skills needed in an Executive Search professional? And if so, how?

I think rather that my experience has been the other way around. I have played golf from a very young age, but the discipline of training and the ability to focus have come more with professional maturity. I have had to work hard each day to make my business a success, to understand and relate to people at all levels and to maintain a high level of focus. These skills which I have developed in the workplace have actually helped me to focus during golf competitions.

Playing golf and participating in tournaments requires discipline, commitment and concentration. These are all qualities that lead to success. Other than that, what do you think is key to having a fulfilling life and career?

I am a perfectionist and very committed to any task that I pursue, two characteristics which have helped me grow both professionally and in golf.

Would you like to share with us the most rewarding, memorable or special moment of your career?

I learned this profession working in a multinational setting, and after a few years I was restless to become an entrepreneur.
At the age of 33 I had the opportunity to set up my own executive search company. This has been an exciting challenge with different stages that have included very rewarding and memorable moments, with successful searches on behalf of both clients and candidates.
Today, many years later, I am glad that I made the decision to go out on my own. I have been able to maintain the excitement of continuing to work in an attractive sector, and today Magallanes Consultores continues to be a reference brand in the market.

If you could, what would you say to the Victoria who started this journey?

In the beginning of my career, I was able to work alongside great professionals, and I have continued to work with terrific colleagues throughout my career. I would say to Victoria that it is important to surround yourself with strong teams. When I started my professional career, my father advised me to “always surround yourself with top people who will help you grow.”

How has being part of INAC Global Executive Search impacted your career?

I joined INAC in 1997, when the organization was still small. I had the opportunity to see it grow and to be part of its management team during various stages. Being part of INAC Global has been a great success for us from the start. Belonging to an international network like this in which the partners are exceptional professionals and incredible people, has contributed tremendously to my personal and professional development. It has allowed me to interact with amazing professionals and to learn from their experiences. I have had the opportunity to see how issues are addressed in other countries and cultures, and we have also had terrific opportunities to work together. And of course I have created strong friendships with the partners who for years have been my friends, and we help each other both personally and professionally. It has been a great experience, and I have always been very proud to belong to this network.

On The Spotlight Series #8 – Klemens Wersonig

Our 8th edition of “On The Spotlight Series” is out and about.
Klemens Wersonig, Partner of INAC Austria is our guest and, gave us a glimpse of his life and his 25 year long journey in Executive Search.
Originally from Austria, Klemens was one of the first “pioneers to the East”, crossing the “iron curtain” back in 1988 to work in Hungary. From this time he left a landmark in the centre of Budapest: converting the Southern Vaci utca into a pedestrian zone. His visionary idea and achievement turned it into one of today’s major tourist attraction.
After taking a one year Rotary scholarship in Canada, Klemens finished a doctorate in business administration at the WU-Wirtschaftsuniversität Vienna. He was AIESEC president in Vienna and had traineeships in USA, Canada and France.
In 1994 Klemens founded the TARGET Executive Search Group. Next to his CEO role for the entire Group, he enjoys taking care of his own key clients and finding the right managers for them.
Klemens also served as a Board Member and Vice-President of INAC Global Executive Search.

Since you started your career, what has been the most significant changes that you have witnessed in Executive Search?

Offices got more and more empty until they almost disappeared. I mean shelves full of CV folders disappeared into PCs. And then PCs disappeared into the cloud and now you mostly sit at home in your arm chair with a laptop. Also, our profession got more quiet. At the beginning everything was phone and speaking based, noisy offices. Now it is mostly online and writing based, quiet offices. These changes also mean highly increased speed of identifying and reaching somebody.

How do you see Executive Search in 5 years’ time?

I believe the value of Executive Search will increase, because we are dealing with the human end of recruitment. Since more and more tasks are automatized and online, I believe the urge for the human touch at the top end of recruitment is increasing. Employees want to feel and trust their leader. Executive Search finds the right leaders for organizations, a truly human task.

What do you believe are the non-negotiable skills that candidates must absolutely have nowadays?

I think most important is emotional intelligence.

Your company is present in several countries. Having in mind its multicultural setting, how do you manage it when it comes to its diversity and what do you believe has been the key ingredient for your success?

The key ingredient is tolerance, an open mind for differences! We are all part of the same family, share the same values, work with the same tools.

Would you like to share with us the most gratifying, memorable or special moment of your career?
During my studies I was very much involved in the AIESEC student organization. I was also playing basketball intensively , since I am 2m tall. Both meant team work all the time, even if I was the captain/leader in both situations. Then, later, when I founded my own company I focused on this team spirit with company events. However, I had to learn that being the owner, the ultimate boss, is also a position of loneliness. Very rarely somebody cares to give a positive feedback to a boss. It is his/her job to perform at top level all the time. This was a tough lesson to learn. At our 25th company anniversary event, my team did care and gave me a nice present… And a big Thank You! For me this was a moving and unique moment.

What is the one thing that you think of doing when you are not browsing through profiles and going out to meet clients and candidates?

Well, I would say there are a few things. However, it is interesting that interviewing and assessing people has become such a part of my DNA that I will do it everywhere and anytime. My funniest story was that once I had a “naked interview”, because naturally I conducted an “interview” with my unknown sauna partner, a nice lady 😉 In Austria everybody is butt naked in a sauna. Funny to discuss strengths and weaknesses, when you are both naked. Coming back to your question… Interior design is my favorite hobby. I have planned and supervised the renovation of several flats and developed unique design ideas like a three dimensional star sky in the bedroom, wonderful showers, etc.
I am also a light freak. I can buy a lamp at every corner.

If you could, what would you say to the Klemens that started out this journey?
When I was young, I was proud to be very patient. Over time I learned that often this was a waste of time. I can give you one example: in our young starting office we had a young Hungarian lady, called Erika. Erika came in late every morning. Our office starting time was at 8am. She had a different excuse every day. All discussions with her didn’t help. Then I decided to change the office staring time to 8:30am. Sure enough she was late again, every day. Again, weeks of discussions with Erika. Then I changed the office starting time, once more, to 9am, just because of Erika. She now came at 9:10am, etc. Being late was just part of her DNA. After many months of experimenting I finally dismissed her. So my advice to the young Klemens would be: “Be less patient!”.

How has being part of INAC Global Executive Search impacted your professional path?

Being part of INAC Global has been very enriching for me. On the personal side I worked intensively with partners from different cultures and made friends around the world. On the professional side it is an ongoing learning curve. It certainly lifts everybody to a new level.

INAC Global Executive Search elects new President. New Advisory Board appointed.

The Hague, 17 May 2021 – We are excited to announce that Rui Borges has recently been re-elected as President of INAC Global Executive Search. This re-election had the unanimous support by our members.

For the network’s members, this is undoubtedly, the way forward. According to Jon Gordon, member of the Advisory Board of INAC Global: “During his initial three-year term, Rui has been the driving force and backbone of INAC. Under his leadership, INAC Global continues to flourish in a very positive, innovative and unique way. There is no doubt that he has the capability, the know-how and the necessary engagement to lead and develop new projects, and to grow the network’s presence even more”.

“It is with an immense joy that I received the news of my re-election. It is an honour that I’m very proud of and it also represents an increase in my responsibility and commitment to fulfil the high expectations of our members for the coming three years. One must be willing to take risks and be creative and I believe that INAC Global has grown considerably in the last 3 years – especially when facing a worldwide pandemic – which makes me very happy. Having the support of all the members is very gratifying and it shows that we are making the right choices and building a strong path towards success. There are many projects in store that will be developed over the course of our next mandate, and I’m sure that with the support and encouragement of the network, we will make great things happen!”, adds Rui Borges.

Alongside elections for a new president, INAC Global Executive Search also has new Advisory Board members. Jon Gordon (INAC USA) – who transitions from the former Advisory Board – is now joined by Ángeles Madrigal (INAC Mexico), Klemens Wersonig (INAC Austria) and René Johnson (INAC Australia).

Jon Gordon will continue to share his unique strategic thinking regarding global operations and industry trends and leading the network’s activities in North America. Ángeles Madrigal is undisputedly a strong leader for LATAM member firms and has built a strong professional reputation across the region, making her instrumental in the consolidation and growth of INAC Global’s Central and Southern American operations. Klemens Wersonig has a deep understanding of the different European cultures and idiosyncrasies of its countries, making him the right person to lead INAC Global Executive Search as it pursues its growth objectives across the region. And finally, René Johnson, the best ambassador INAC Global could have in Asia-Pacific. René has incomparable experience and in-depth knowledge of the region and its markets, making him an unparalleled advisor and a driving force with INAC’s APAC expansion strategy.

WEBINAR | Managing your career in the new reality: how to structure your job search in times of change and uncertainty

INAC Global Executive Search and Not Actively Looking are hosting their very first joined 2021 webinar: “Managing your career in the new reality: how to structure your job search in times of change and uncertainty”.

The webinar will take place on the 20th of May, at 1PM (UK time).

Amy Speake (INAK UK) and Anna Persson (INAC Sweden) will both be the speakers on behalf of INAC Global Executive Search, together with Anthony Harling, Co-Founder of Not Actively Looking.

Don’t miss out to participate in this FREE live webinar!
Register HERE!

For more information and details, click here.

On The Spotlight Series #7 – Ángeles Madrigal

Lucky number 7!
Our seventh edition is out and ready to be shared with everyone.
This month we have with us Ángeles Madrigal, Partner of INAC Mexico.

Ángeles holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Ángeles is also qualified in organization and Re-engineering process,  and is Certified in Competences Interview Methodology by DDI, in SEL, Insights and Assessment as a Top Talent Evaluation Consultant.
She has 18 years of experience in Human Resources, and has occupied executive positions in Human Resources in Financial institutions, along with 10 years in headhunting companies in Recruitment and Selection of Top Executives.
Ángeles has worked with Corporate clients in the IT industry, Consumer Goods, Financial, Pharmaceutical and Services.

Ángeles is also the founder of Wo/Men[In], specialized in the strategic cycle of talent by integrating diversity and inclusion as transformational forces in organizations.

As you can see, there is a lot to know about Ángeles!

Why Executive Search and If you did not end up in Executive Search, what would you ended up choosing instead?

Executive Search is very special to me because it fills me up with its dynamism, each day is different. It gives me the opportunity to get to know different industries, areas and clients, that teach and contribute every day to my career. When it comes to Executives, they show me new perspectives, diversity of thoughts, the essence of the human being, how to achieve a positive influence in their careers. It is our mission to boost businesses and change lives in a positive way by providing many possibilities and making it an exciting career.
If I were not in Executive Search, I would probably look for something that would somehow be related with moving businesses through talent’s diversity and balancing them in a perfect equation.

Executive Search is all about meeting and establishing a connection with people. With so many years of experience, do you have any advice for the younger generation that is now starting to create their own path?

Yes, I do. I think one thing I have witnessed is that it is very important to think hard and long when it comes to a career movement. You should envision your goals in the medium term and build your path around that. Work with resilience and patience in order to consolidate your career.

In just one year the world has changed drastically. Businesses and people had to adapt rapidly and acquire skills that they didn’t had before. What do you believe are now the main skills needed to thrive in Executive Search career?

Strategic vision, self-reflectiveness, inclusive thinking and communication, transformational leadership and, above all, resilience and flexibility are very important ones.

In a business where it is still very dominated by men, how do you see the role of women in it? In what way do women add to this particular business?

Women are becoming more and more relevant in businesses and in this changing world, governed by VUCA environments (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous), gender equity is absolutely necessary.
It is proven that the sum of gender diversity is what makes organizations stronger and more resilient. It is documented that women are more likely to manage risk better and lead strongly in times of turbulence.
So, from what I can see and taken my experience, most businesses are focused in creating strategies to achieve a bigger balance regarding gender equity.

You are also the founder of Wo/Men[In], that specializes in the strategic cycle of talent by integrating diversity and inclusion as transformational forces in organizations. How did it started, what was the driving force behind it and what are its achievements, its impact?

Wo/Men [In] started because I realized that there was a lot to when it came to D&I, it was just only mentioned in inspiring speeches. So, in 2013, I decided to take action together with 40 leaders from various companies, to come up with an initiative based on sharing best practices, and helping organizations in this process of transformation towards an inclusive culture. It has been a long path, a challenging one and there is still much work to do with those who “move” within the organizations. Over several years, we have driven and spoken to more than 100 companies on this subject. Each year we take action with a new generation, made up of talent interested in learning and sharing, and in building more inclusive organizations.
Undoubtedly, the force behind it has to do with seeking a more equitable environment that allows my 3 daughters to demonstrate their talent, without having the need to fight for a greater equity. Diversity is natural and it generates an environment of respect, where everyone can feel included as well as demonstrate their potential.

In your day-to-day life you end up meeting top tier executives and highly motivated professionals with an impeccable track record. Given the current circumstances, do you believe that we may be facing a shift in terms of what companies and organizations are looking for in a candidate?

Definitely. In this new reality, change is a constant and the new currency of change is talent. Organizations are looking for “breakthrough” profiles, highly focused on digital topics and with a very good balance between the experience of employees and customer experience. Leaders are sought out with more humanistic styles, more focused on the employee: caring about the results, but at the same time taking into consideration their talent needs and moments of emotional connection.

You have helped so many finding their dream job, do you feel that they have helped you find something in life as well?

Yes, definitely, always! Each and every interview, contact, or follow-up is an opportunity to learn something new. In fact, I really enjoy getting to know other ways of thinking, of solving problems or even of analyzing your stumbles. Being an Executive Search Consultant allowed me to be a better professional. I have a ritual: at the end of each interview, I simply thank the Executive for what they have taught me, I see each of these “sessions” as a Master Class.

INAC has been part of your life for so many years now. How has this “relationship” shaped your professional and personal path/growth? What has been, so far, the biggest life lesson you received?

INAC gives me the opportunity to have a global vision, to get in touch with extraordinary talent from all continents. I have learned a lot, but perhaps the most important thing is that no matter what culture, country, region, or continent, talent must always be valued. Through INAC I’m lucky to be able to meet great professionals with whom, regardless of their different ways of thinking, I end up sharing very similar values which allow us to trust and do business on a global level.

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