Congratulations are in order for INAC Global Executive Search and all its members!

Recently released, the 2024 Hunt Scanlon Global 40 listing, has once more recognized INAC as one of top executive search providers worldwide.

According to Rui Borges, President of INAC Global Executive Search,

Throughout 2023, the world around us continued to encourage us to improve and come up with more creative and effective ways to serve and deliver effective value to our customers. The overwhelming acceleration of change within the executive talent ecosystems and the ever-increasing interconnectivity of the global economy has posed new and difficult questions for our clients to address, whether large multinational corporations or agile, energetic, pioneering local start-ups.

The need for effective, encouraging, and authentic leadership has never been greater. But discovering, attracting and pairing confidently these leaders of excellence with corporate missions is increasingly complex, volatile and far-reaching. As fulfilling this strategic mission remains the main objective of INAC and each and everyone of its members, this acknowledgment ensures that we continue in the right direction.

And deservedly this recognition goes to all our clients, candidates and, of course, in a very special way, to all partners, consultants, researchers and other staff who make up this global family.”

This recognition is a direct result of an independent research conducted by Hunt Scanlon’s analysts, who have looked at each provider in great detail and have come away with a list that captures the best global search firms who can satisfy the most sensitive executive recruitment needs.

For more information click here.

A boss in the Gig Economy

An increasing number of younger managers choose temporary managerial assignments. What are they powered by? And what does this mean for the employer and the organization?

Suddenly we read about the gig economy everywhere. That more and more young people choose flexibility and freedom over permanent employment. We read about their driving forces, lifestyle and values. About the emergence of networks for digital nomads. But also, about how employers need to think about how to attract gig workers, and to give them reasonable conditions regarding insurance and pensions.

How should we think about recruiting managers? Are gig managers just a new word for interim managers, an arrangement for time-limited jobs that have been around and worked for decades? It was one of the areas of our recent conference in the INAC network. It became clear that we, across offices in the different parts of the world, share the same picture; now more and more young managers are choosing to form their own company and take temporary managerial assignments – and the development is fast.

From mainly being about senior executives bridging a vacancy or running a specific change project, and not always being completely self-elected but an opportunity towards the end of a long managerial career, we now meet more and more young executives who refuse to accept permanent employment. “If your client is looking to drive this change with full force for a year, I am interested in taking it as a limited time assignment. If they want to hire someone, I’m not the right person”.

Who are the gig managers?

Those we meet are driven by a clear mission where they can use their skills and power to deliver visible results in a short time. They get the energy out of working with change. They are curious and interested in working in different organizations and cultures. They want to feel free, engage in their own or others’ projects for periods of time, or have simply found their way to create a balance between work, family and home time.

What do they add?

After discussing with clients who have tried young gig managers, we get mixed conclusions. Several says that “they come in with energy and power and start their change mission without starting distance”. They bring new perspectives and other experiences of everything from technical solutions to work procedures and methods.

Some say that “they become like a management consultant on the inside, they are part of the organization the time they are here”. Since they do not already have relationships and loyalties in the organization, they experience great freedom of movement internally; they can tear apart invisible structures and bridge old barriers. We also hear that “they make clear demands on their employees and they make people talk to each other and move forward”.

And the downside?

Lack of continuity and long-term view is – not surprisingly – what first comes up in our conversations. They do not have the time to create an overall picture of the business and the organization and they do not have the prerequisites to foresee the consequences of their actions. A common reflection is that “what gives a positive effect in the short term may have downsides that need to be taken care of later – when they are long gone”.

Our clients also agree on the downside from the employees’ perspective. They are energized and challenged by their gig manager, but they lack a manager with longer perspectives on their development and they lack the sense of security and belonging that comes with a longer working relationship with their manager.

“Certainly a gig manager, but not several in a row!”

Anna Persson – INAC Sweden

INAC grows in the EMEA Region.

TARGET Group with offices in Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria, joined to represent INAC in the CEE region.

The global footprint of INAC Global Executive Search is growing through the addition of 7 new countries in the CEE Region. The Network is now formally represented in Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria and our global clients may start profiting from this extended geographic representation. INAC gains also the capacity to provide executive recruitment all over CEE, for example in Ukraine, Georgia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Albania.

TARGET Group was founded and is led by Klemens Wersonig, a real pioneer of CEE, who went to the region in 1988 as probably the youngest Austrian Expatriate behind the Iron Curtain to Hungary and eventually founded TARGET Executive Search in 1994 focusing on Executive Search solutions for international companies as they were setting up brand-new operations in those countries.

TARGET Group brings over 25 years of industry experience and a great team of trusted and seasoned executive search consultants to INAC to handle executive level recruitments across a variety of functions and sectors within the CEE space.

“We are very excited that TARGET Group has joined our organization. INAC partners and global customers will surely benefit from their extensive and almost unique experience in that region of Europe and expertise not only in Executive Search but also from a robust solution portfolio across Talent Advisory and Consulting.

We look very much forward to the contribution and entrepreneurial energy that the new CEE team brings to the network. INAC offices in the cities of Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Warsaw, Bucharest, Bratislava and Sofia strengthens our representation in EMEA and reinforces our global expansion strategy to keep providing our clients with cross border executive search excellence”, said Rui Borges, the President of INAC Global Executive Search. 

CEO in TARGET Group Klemens Wersonig stated: “INAC is the exact right match for us. Rui Borges has emphasized how high-quality processes and human relations lie at the core of INAC. These are also values shared by our team and supported by our firm. At the same time, INAC enables us to benchmark and amplify the service to our clients through our new colleagues around the world.”

3 Top HR Trends for 2020

We know that the workforce of the future will be different. Weʼre already experiencing dramatic changes in the composition of workers. Baby boomers are retiring in record numbers, and beyond millennials, weʼre seeing generation z enter the workforce. As we move towards the majority of workers being digital natives, these tech savvy employees have different expectations about working. Below weʼll look at three top HR trends for 2020 and beyond.

Remote Working

Whether you embrace or fight the idea of employing remote workers, the shift toward remote working is gaining more and more momentum. In fact, some companies in the technology space are fully remote by design. By using cloud resources, they can eliminate the overhead cost of facilities yet provide full access to systems regardless of employee location.

Remote working has also become a perk that many job seekers request. Be it full-time remote, or a couple of days a week, the perk has benefits for both the employee and the company. For example, employees that arenʼt tied to specific hours can work when they are most productive, regardless of the time of day. And companies in rural areas have a better chance of attracting more top-notch talent since the employees donʼt have to relocate.

Technology has made it easy to manage distributed workforces. With tools like Slack, Trello, Google Hangouts, etc… itʼs as easy to connect with someone halfway around the world as it is someone down the hall. This also applies to HR. You can now access larger candidate pools as well as SaaS solutions that make it easier to manage the process.

Employee Satisfaction

According to Harvard Business Review (HBR), the key to happy customers is happy employees. Per the article, “Becoming a customer-centric business is a worthwhile goal. But our research reminds business leaders that becoming more customer-oriented while allowing workplace morale to suffer is a poor and short-sighted strategy. Instead, customer and employee satisfaction should be seen as two sides of the same coin.”

If you havenʼt already, setting up programs that provide honest, two-way lines of communication is imperative to improving the employee experience. Providing a voice to employees invests them in the company. When people are heard and acknowledged, you can reduce turnover rates, increase productivity, and improve financial results.

Another area that can improve employee satisfaction is wellness. We are just now realizing the impact on the entire company that wellness can have. From sick days to retention rates, wellness encompasses both physical and mental wellbeing. Encouraging physical wellness can be achieved through programs such as gym memberships or reimbursement, providing healthy snacks, and related initiatives.

Encouraging mental wellness is a newer issue for HR teams, even though burnout and anxiety are not new issues in the workplace. These often undiscussed issues are the first things that will undermine your corporate culture. A great first step is simply acknowledging that mental health is important to the company. By bringing the issue into the open, you destigmatize it. In addition to encouraging people to use their EAP benefits, make sure you set up an open door policy, encourage work-life balance, and be flexible when discussing mental wellbeing issues with employees.


Technology has forever changed how we work. This has opened up an entirely new world of opportunities for people. Jobs that could be automated, have been creating new, more fulfilling jobs. However, these roles require new skills. And many of these new roles have job shortages because there simply arenʼt enough people with the requisite skills.

The area of retraining is, for the most part, new to HR. Never before have we seen this kind of workplace transformation happen this quickly. Ongoing learning has been a requirement in certain fields, but in todayʼs landscape, itʼs becoming a given, for every industry. And HR must lead the charge in identifying skill sets in employees who are interested in learning a new role.

According to Heide Abelli, Senior Vice President, Content Product Management at Skillsoft, “The growing sense of urgency to address gaps in the readiness of the workforce to execute on the digital agenda. With the introduction of new roles, the elimination of outdated roles, the increased scope of responsibility in key roles and the removal of management layers, the challenge around talent readiness is enormous.”

In assessing both the hard and soft skills of employees, HR can set up individual learning programs using online and or classroom learning. Programs like LinkedIn Learning (formerly, or Bootcamps like AppAcademy can provide intensive training programs in a short amount of time. We expect to see continued evolution and growth of retraining programs in 2020.

If you have questions or wish to explore further please send us a note. Our global team of executive recruiters can help you build out your leadership team, address culture needs, and provide guidance on how these and other HR trends and how they may be affecting your business.

Jon Gordon – INAC USA

Long Live the Hero

Dear reader,

who does not know the phrase: the customer is king. A bold and delightful idea that never had the potential to become a reality. Nobody wants to serve the king, instead everyone wants to be the king. This may be one out of numerous reasons why this marketing sentence was never more than lip service.

In the meantime, (marketing-wise) the king has become a hero. The customer is no longer the passive regent to whom the gifts are offered, but is given the opportunity to be a hero himself with the support and experience of a mentor (supplier) to receive individual support, “a hero allowed to do some good things”.

The concept of a hero has an excellent chance to survive in the long term. It highlights the fact that it is up to the customer whether he makes something out of the “offer” (product or service) for himself or not. He is not the passive recipient, but rather the active co-designer. This concept, which is becoming increasingly common in advertising, becomes apparent using the example of construction markets. The DIY store-concept create heroes who do their own thing by turning complex projects into reality.

From psychological point of view a brilliant move to make the customer a hero, because it is an appeal to him to dream and make his wishes come true. He has the choice: become a hero or remain a squire.

Lothar Grünewald – INAC Germany

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