Consumer Services Electronics & Consumer Durables | Entertainment, Media & Communications | Food, Beverage and Health & Beauty | Leisure, Travel & Hospitality | Luxury & Branded Goods | Retail


Global Challenges

We understand what it takes to stand out in one of the most competitive business environments in the world. Our global Consumer & Retail Practice Group brings deep sector expertise and trusted industry relationships to serve clients in a variety of consumer and retail categories. We fulfill executive search mandates in marketing, sales, finance, distribution, and general management. 

Our experience and network allow us to selectively introduce in-demand talent from other industries to backfill critical roles where sector talent is not readily available. In more than 30 countries our practice members counsel and mentor leaders throughout their careers giving us a unique level of sector intimacy and insight around the world. From High Street Retailers through International Food Chains, Global Online Retailers and Market Leaders in Sport and Luxury, our retail team provides clients with unique talent solutions across the globe.

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