October 2020
INAC Colombia receives the “INAC Global Business Achievement Award 2019”

It is with an immense joy that we announce INAC Colombia as the winner of the “INAC Global Business Achievement Award 2019”. The Colombian member made it to the top for the second time in a row, maintaining its position.

This year, and from now on, INAC also highlighted the results of two other more members for their outstanding results, with INAC Portugal reaching second place and INAC Chile occupying third place.

Each and every year INAC celebrates the members that achieved exceptional results regarding its business exchange performance throughout the year and within the network. Not only does it recognise their hard work, dedication, but it’s also reinforces some of the key values of the organisation: Cooperation and Partnership.
Providing and encouraging Business Exchange within INAC allows its members to engage with each other, strengthen relationships and, reinforce the spirit of mutual support and shared business goals.

It fills us with pride and satisfaction to see that each and every year, the business exchange within our network grows exponentially and in a very positive way, reassuring to all of us that having the right partners truly makes a difference, by helping us grow, achieving our goals and even exceeding our expectations.

Congratulations to all the winners!

INAC Colombia: Santiago Silva, Iván Uribe and Francisco Silva.
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