June 2023
AI – Impact on World Development and the Recruitment Industry

Once again, the world faces a quantum leap in historical/global development. In the past, inventions such as the wheel, the light bulb, the steam engine, the atom and, as the last straw, the internet, have moved man to a considerable extent.

And now AI and the possibilities of artificial intelligence, which are currently rolling onto the world’s attention. Because it’s probably not right to call the phenomenon historical right now – over the past few years, AI has slowly “crept in through the back door” and has been used in several commercial contexts to collect knowledge and thus gain access to general human habits, ways of acting, ways of thinking both easily accessible and shareable on a large scale with others in the “public space”.

With the use of AI in the form of e.g. Chatbot GPT will allow humans to access an unimaginably large reservoir of knowledge, statistics and collected information of all imaginable kinds, which via the artificial intelligence is quickly paired and composed into answers and presentations to the user/questioner’s set up and submitted case. In this way, we reach conclusions and solutions to even completely complicated tasks quickly and receive qualified results.

AI, like so many other inventions, can be seen as a double-edged sword – positively as a progress that helps humanity – or negatively as something terrible that contributes to the end of the world – “a monster” that is out of control in the long term will be able to contribute to the downfall of the world and thus of humanity.

Based on the positive angle, we as a group think that we are dealing with a tool that will in many ways save humanity a lot of legwork and groundwork in everything that does not immediately involve physical work and presence.

In our industry, much of the administrative work will become easier (initial search, collection of contact information, preparation of job profile, job description, job advertisement and of course also calendar management and meeting invitations). All time-saving sub-elements – which would like to result in more time for the qualifying part of the process.

General impact of AI in world development:

  1. Automation: AI has enabled the automation of many tasks that previously required human effort. This has led to increased productivity and efficiency in various sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and transportation.
  2. Decision process optimization: AI-based algorithms and machine learning techniques can analyze large amounts of data and extract important insights and patterns. This helps companies and organizations make better and more informed decisions.
  3. Improved customer service: AI-based chatbots and virtual assistants can help enhance customer service by providing quick and accurate responses to inquiries. These chatbots can handle a wide range of tasks, including answering questions, providing support, and resolving issues.
  4. Personalization: AI can be used to create personalized experiences and tailor products and services to individual needs. This is evident in e-commerce, where recommendation systems use AI to suggest products based on past purchases and preferences.

Impact of AI on the Executive Search industry:

  1. Efficient screening and matching: AI can assist in screening and matching candidates to job openings by analyzing resumes, assessing skills, and identifying relevant experiences. This saves time for recruiters and enables the identification of the most suitable candidates faster.
  2. Bias reduction: The recruitment process can be influenced by unconscious biases and prejudices. AI-based recruitment tools can help reduce such biases by focusing on objective criteria and skills rather than personal factors such as gender, age, or ethnicity.
  3. Talent sourcing: AI can aid in identifying potential talent by analyzing public profiles, social media, and other data sources. This can provide recruiters access to a broader pool of candidates and potentially discover talent that might have otherwise been overlooked.
  4. Automation of administrative tasks: AI can automate many administrative tasks in the recruitment process, such as interview scheduling, candidate communication, and document management. This frees up time for recruiters to focus on more strategic activities.

P.S.: The information generated were sourced partly from ChatGPT.

Jon Gordon – INAC USA
Leo Brosbøl Sørensen – INAC Denmark
Jiří Hůla – INAC Czech Republic
Jean-Yves Lecoq – INAC France
Santiago Silva – INAC Columbia

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