On The Spotlight Series #9 – Victoria Baselga

September brings changes and fresh starts, but there are a few things that should remain as they are, and our beloved “On The Spotlight Series” is one of them.

Our 9th edition features a very special guest: Victoria Baselga.

Victoria or Vicky, as she is warmly called by our members, is the Partner of INAC Spain.

Victoria holds a Degree in French Philology and Simultaneous Translation from L’Université Catholique of Paris, as well as a Master’s degree in Human Resources from the Instituto de Directivos de Empresa of Madrid.

Victoria has an extensive and solid experience in Executive Search. Prior to joining Magallanes Consultores as a Partner Consultant, Victoria worked for over ten years for a leading Executive Search Company.
She has been, since 2002, the shareholder of Magallanes Consultores, and has successfully managed a team of professional consultants.

Since you started your career, what have been the most significant changes you’ve witnessed in Executive Search?

I started many years ago in a profession that was little known and difficult for many to comprehend. Cold calling candidates at their workplace through the filters of their secretaries to propose a professional change was not easy. Now looking back on my early years in the profession, I can see how much has evolved in this sector.
Today it is a profession that is well known, valued and accepted by all.
The technological tools available to us have evolved so much over the years and now enable our profession to establish a much closer relationship with the candidate and also the client. Technology has greatly streamlined our search processes and now allows us to access candidates that we might not have been able to reach previously. In addition, technology has provided us with a more global perspective.

How do you see Executive Search five years from now?

We seek to provide a highly personalized service tailored to each client, and this service will vary little in the future. Personal contact is paramount in our profession and is essential to really understand the needs of both the client and the candidate, both of whom have high expectations.
Technology has evolved, and will continue to do so over the next five years. There have been significant developments in the technological tools available to identify candidates. While these tools streamline the executive search processes, we want to maintain our focus on the personal service and quality we offer.

What do you think are the non-negotiable skills that candidates have today?

Without a doubt there is a need for flexibility and the ability to adapt to different situations and environments. While the ability to manage teams has always been paramount, these skills are more important than ever in managing remote work which is a special challenge. Commitment and a sense of responsibility remain essential skills.

You are a serious golfer. Given your dedication, participation and exposure to such a focused and demanding sport, do you think it has given you the tools, mindset and skills needed in an Executive Search professional? And if so, how?

I think rather that my experience has been the other way around. I have played golf from a very young age, but the discipline of training and the ability to focus have come more with professional maturity. I have had to work hard each day to make my business a success, to understand and relate to people at all levels and to maintain a high level of focus. These skills which I have developed in the workplace have actually helped me to focus during golf competitions.

Playing golf and participating in tournaments requires discipline, commitment and concentration. These are all qualities that lead to success. Other than that, what do you think is key to having a fulfilling life and career?

I am a perfectionist and very committed to any task that I pursue, two characteristics which have helped me grow both professionally and in golf.

Would you like to share with us the most rewarding, memorable or special moment of your career?

I learned this profession working in a multinational setting, and after a few years I was restless to become an entrepreneur.
At the age of 33 I had the opportunity to set up my own executive search company. This has been an exciting challenge with different stages that have included very rewarding and memorable moments, with successful searches on behalf of both clients and candidates.
Today, many years later, I am glad that I made the decision to go out on my own. I have been able to maintain the excitement of continuing to work in an attractive sector, and today Magallanes Consultores continues to be a reference brand in the market.

If you could, what would you say to the Victoria who started this journey?

In the beginning of my career, I was able to work alongside great professionals, and I have continued to work with terrific colleagues throughout my career. I would say to Victoria that it is important to surround yourself with strong teams. When I started my professional career, my father advised me to “always surround yourself with top people who will help you grow.”

How has being part of INAC Global Executive Search impacted your career?

I joined INAC in 1997, when the organization was still small. I had the opportunity to see it grow and to be part of its management team during various stages. Being part of INAC Global has been a great success for us from the start. Belonging to an international network like this in which the partners are exceptional professionals and incredible people, has contributed tremendously to my personal and professional development. It has allowed me to interact with amazing professionals and to learn from their experiences. I have had the opportunity to see how issues are addressed in other countries and cultures, and we have also had terrific opportunities to work together. And of course I have created strong friendships with the partners who for years have been my friends, and we help each other both personally and professionally. It has been a great experience, and I have always been very proud to belong to this network.

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