INAC Colombia receives the “INAC Global Business Achievement Award 2019”

It is with an immense joy that we announce INAC Colombia as the winner of the “INAC Global Business Achievement Award 2019”. The Colombian member made it to the top for the second time in a row, maintaining its position.

This year, and from now on, INAC also highlighted the results of two other more members for their outstanding results, with INAC Portugal reaching second place and INAC Chile occupying third place.

Each and every year INAC celebrates the members that achieved exceptional results regarding its business exchange performance throughout the year and within the network. Not only does it recognise their hard work, dedication, but it’s also reinforces some of the key values of the organisation: Cooperation and Partnership.
Providing and encouraging Business Exchange within INAC allows its members to engage with each other, strengthen relationships and, reinforce the spirit of mutual support and shared business goals.

It fills us with pride and satisfaction to see that each and every year, the business exchange within our network grows exponentially and in a very positive way, reassuring to all of us that having the right partners truly makes a difference, by helping us grow, achieving our goals and even exceeding our expectations.

Congratulations to all the winners!

INAC Colombia: Santiago Silva, Iván Uribe and Francisco Silva.

Communication: A Talent of Leaders

Leaders are distinguished by being charismatic, visionary, strategists, etc. These elements are robust when leaders have the talent to communicate their ideas. In leadership, there is no greater talent than the ability to communicate ideas in such a way that they are understood by their interlocutors in the way they should be understood.

The leader’s vision does not transcend if he cannot convey his ideas to others. Communication then becomes a common thread to all successful leaders. To achieve this type of communication, we need to start by understanding that communicating is not only an exchange of opinions between people but one to trigger an action or a set of actions. Also, the leader must have the capacity to communicate his ideas and in turn, must understand the ideas of others to address them, that is, to have the ability to combine speaking with listening.

Relationships are often complicated due to communication issues: either because of the inability to share the message adequately or the inability to understand it correctly. Communication is not easy, it is a talent that needs to be developed. It demands much more than just the exchange of ideas described in words; it is also an exchange of moments, feelings, attitudes, and emotions.

Understanding others, being able to read their emotions, perceive and understand their behavior and motivations, is part of the talent that is required to communicate and to capture what the other is meaning, even if they do not agree with it or their views are not fully accepted. When you can surpass emotional, behavioral, motivational barriers, and individual interests, communication becomes possible.

The leader should always try to use adequate vocabulary for each audience, so that he can encompass most of it with language that allows almost to be direct, customizing the process with each individual, that is communicating.

The communication process takes place in two ways: listening becomes a talent itself and plays an important role in the process of communicating. On the other hand, leaders must master the skill of using the right words to express the correct ideas that then evolve into a set of expected actions, but at the same time, they must become skillful in listening and taking the time to hear others. To do this, leaders should seek to be more aware of the background than the form, that is, to be aware of ideas. They always get the best out of what they hear, they end up hearing to capture all the ideas and take the time to reflect, they gather what they hear and use it for the benefit of their vision.

By Francisco Silva Betancourt – INAC Colombia

COVID-19: the Path to a new Career

There is no doubt that we are now living in a much more different world from what we used to 6 months ago. People and business have endured a pandemic that one could have never imagined, yet alone predicted. However, the beauty of the human being lies within the fact that it is capable of adapting to whatever it has to face, instinct kicks in and it thrives!

COVID-19 has brought uncertainty and challenges, and with it a huge strain on employees and professionals. It’s important to recognise that businesses are now far more complex than they were years ago. Competitiveness is fiercer, we see more and more specialization, more available workforce and more markets to dive in. The need and eager to succeed is overwhelming – add a pandemic to it and you have the perfect storm.

A lot has been said about the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global economy, how companies and employees had to adapt rapidly and efficiently, skills that one had to acquire in a heartbeat, new ways of working, new procedures, the importance of technology and digital in our daily life, the list goes on and on. However, for some it was a true eye-opening and made them reflect on their lives, leading to bold decisions, such as switching careers and professional paths. Some may think it’s irresponsible, crazy or even outrageous, but one thing is for sure – taking risks is the first step to greatness.

For those who decided to take a chance and follow another route, it’s important to keep in mind that getting back in the market is definitely going to be a lot different than it was just a few months ago. There is a whole new level of complexity to it, so it’s essential to follow a few tips these upcoming months.

  1. First and foremost, it’s important to understand exactly what you want to do, what makes you happy and what inspires you. Having a clear picture of it will determine your game plan. Keep an eye on the companies that you believe will make a perfect match. Try to gather as much as information possible, may it be through social media, acquaintances, reviews, current and former employees and certainly executive search consultants within your professional network.
  2. Perfect your skills is also a key point. Know your strengths and weaknesses – and work on the last one in order to turn it into positives.
  3. Make sure you are tech savvy and an enthusiast for all things digital. COVID-19 only speed up what was already clear – that digital is the way to go. Companies and employees that already shared this line of thought and that made the investment in providing tools and knowledge around technology and digital environments ended up being able to respond much more quicker and efficiently.
  4. Update, better yet, redesign your CV, inspired by the new professional “route” you want to follow. Most of us do not take the time to look at it from the employer’s perspective, let alone from our own true and genuine career ambitions. Putting down past achievements, work experience and results is great, but how about starting off with a statement, a very brief and straight to the point proclamation? Just let them know from the start who you “really” are and what you are “really” looking for.
  5. This leads to another important aspect: always be you and true to yourself. Do not try to portrait someone you are not; you’ll end up not landing the job you’re truly looking for and that should fulfil you. Instead you’ll end up doing something to please others.
  6. Network, network, network! But still the key is quality over quantity. It’s never too much to emphasize that creating and having the right network is clearly an advantage. Those who have it, are more likely to know of upcoming business and employment opportunities. Being one step ahead of the game is an advantage. And always stay in touch.
  7. Do not jump at the first opportunity that may came up. Take your time to reflect on it, think it through. Remember, businesses have changed, the market is still navigating through unchartered waters.
  8. Be flexible. You need to know what is negotiable and what is not, what’s a dealbreaker and what’s not.
  9. And lastly, follow your instinct, that little voice inside your head – it’s usually right.

By Joana Sousa – INAC Global

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